Take Action to Create Change

To address inequities in housing and wellbeing, Housing Families advocates for policy changes at local, regional, and state levels to address the root causes of those inequities and to promote systemic solutions. Our Policy team conducts legislative and community engagement, leads advocacy campaigns, and participates in partnerships and coalitions to advance policy change and offer thought leadership in our region.

The Challenge

Housing Families’ staff work with clients experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity every day and witness the effects of systemic inequities and a lack of resources. Currently, the housing crisis in Massachusetts has reached an unprecedented state. While we address the emergency needs of our clients, we also recognize that systemic change, driven by policy solutions, is necessary to improve housing equity and wellbeing for all. Without systemic and policy-level change, Housing Families and other service organizations will perpetually be working to address the effects of inequities rather than the root causes.

Our Solution

Housing Families’ goal is to be a leading voice in housing advocacy, shaping policy and driving community engagement. Our team advocates for policy changes at local, regional, and state levels to address the root causes of housing insecurity and promote systemic solutions.

The Challenge

Housing Families’ staff work with clients experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity every day and witness the effects of systemic inequities and a lack of resources. Currently, the housing crisis in Massachusetts has reached an unprecedented state. While we address the emergency needs of our clients, we also recognize that systemic change, driven by policy solutions, is necessary to improve housing equity and wellbeing for all. Without systemic and policy-level change, Housing Families and other service organizations will perpetually be working to address the effects of inequities rather than the root causes.


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Our Solution


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Housing Families’ goal is to be a leading voice in housing advocacy, shaping policy and driving community engagement. Our team advocates for policy changes at local, regional, and state levels to address the root causes of housing insecurity and promote systemic solutions.

Our Services

Our Advocacy team cultivates relationships with elected officials, government agencies, and other stakeholders to advocate for policy reforms. They also participate in legislative hearings, meetings, and other fora to advocate for housing equity and the interests of our clients and other community stakeholders. Housing Families hosts an annual Legislative Breakfast, an event that enables our clients, community, and legislative partners to advocate for key policy and legislative initiatives that will improve housing equity and wellbeing within our community.

Legislative engagement

Our team engages directly with communities affected by housing insecurity to understand their needs and priorities. We aim to empower community members to participate in advocacy efforts and amplify their voices in policy discussions.

People with gardening tools

Housing Families participates in campaigns to raise awareness of housing issues and mobilize support for policy changes. Our team provides advocacy leadership and thought partnership in the region and develops strategic advocacy plans, including grassroots organizing and engagement with policymakers. We develop educational materials and resources to increase public understanding of housing issues and policy solutions, and conduct workshops, webinars, and other outreach activities to educate community members and stakeholders.

Woman speaking at the Legislative Breakfast

Our Advocacy team collaborates with other organizations, advocacy groups, healthcare institutions, and coalitions working on housing and wellbeing equity issues, to find multi-sectoral solutions. We work to build strategic partnerships to amplify our advocacy efforts and maximize our programmatic impact as well. Housing Families participates in the following coalitions:

People shaking hands at the Legislative Breakfast

Take Action

Housing Families believes that policy work is vital because it shapes the foundation upon which communities thrive; ensuring housing stability, security, and opportunity for every household.

Laura Rosi