When you make a donation to Housing Families, your partnership furthers our vision: to achieve housing equity and wellbeing for all. Your gift helps us strengthen families, individuals, and communities.

Make a Gift

Your Donation’s Impact


transports 50 kids to our afterschool program for a day


provides eviction assistance, keeping a family housed

People holding a check donation to Housing Families

Monthly Giving

Monthly donors make a commitment to support Housing Families on an ongoing basis, which is very appreciated and vital to our long-term sustainability. While we appreciate any and all donations, a sustaining commitment to give monthly goes a long way in helping Housing Families to budget for the future and ensure financial stability.

When you donate $75 or more monthly, you’ll receive a Housing Families hat to show the world that you are a housing hero.

Other Ways to Give

Stock Giving

Did you know you can easily liquidate and donate stock gifts to Housing Families, right here on our giving page?

  • Scroll to the donation form above
  • Select a gift amount
  • Scroll to the bottom of the form and select “donate stock.”
  • Use our trusted partner DonateStock to complete your stock gift.
  • That’s it! Our giving platform makes it easy to process stock donations.
  • Thank you for changing lives through your generosity!

Learn more about the benefits of stock giving.

Physical Donations

  • New clothing (with tags) and outerwear for kids and adults in all sizes
  • Diapers, formula, and childcare items
  • Cleaning and hygiene supplies
  • Food items, ideally shelf stable
  • New toys and items for kids and teens, especially during the holidays
  • Gift cards; most urgently needed:
    • Grocery stores, especially Market Basket
    • Clothing stores: TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Kohl’s, etc.
    • Target, Walmart, & Amazon
    • Uber & Lyft

Matching Gifts

Did you know you can easily get your donation matched without leaving our donation page? Here’s how:

  • Scroll to the donation form above
  • Select a gift amount
  • Select the “donation options” button and then “company match.”
  • Search for your company. If they accept matching donations, the company name will appear
  • Select your company and complete the payment
  • That’s it! Our giving platform will send you an email to begin facilitating the matching gift with your company, and you can feel the joy of knowing you double your impact!

Will & Bequest Giving

You can make a charitable bequest by including language in your will or living trust, leaving a portion of your estate to Housing Families.

Housing Families greatly appreciates all forms of gifts including naming Housing Families as a beneficiary of your bank accounts, investment accounts, life insurance policy, Donor Advised Fund (DAF), and retirement assets including IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s and 403(b)s and other pension plans.

Beneficiary designation forms, available from the institutions where you have your accounts, work to pass those assets directly to the beneficiaries you name.

Here is an example of sample language: “I give Housing Families (04-2925846) the sum of XX or XX percentage of my estate to advance their mission to provide supportive and affordable housing to families in need.”

People holding a check donation from Stoneham Bank

Donor Advised Funds

You can also consider giving through a Donor Advised Fund. DAFs are tax-efficient giving accounts and offer many of the same benefits as other philanthropic giving options. Some of these benefits may include:

  • Avoid paying capital gains tax on long-term appreciated assets held for more than a year
  • Get an immediate tax deduction for the full market value of the gift, up to specified limits
  • Easily contribute a wide range of assets
  • Consolidate all your charitable giving
  • Support a charity you believe in through strategic giving over time
  • Create a generational legacy
  • Influence your DAF’s charitable gifts and your investment options, without the effort or funds required to run a private foundation

If you wish to recommend grants to Housing Families through your donor-advised fund, there are 2 ways to give through your DAF:

  • Recommend a grant from your DAF through your fund administrator. You can recommend a gift to Housing Families by contacting your fund administrator, or by making a grant recommendation online.
  • Set up recurring grants from your DAF. You can set up recurring grants to support our mission of housing equity and wellbeing for all. This can be done online or by contacting your fund administrator and choosing your grant frequency.

Gifts in Honor

Seeking a meaningful way to honor or commemorate a special person or occasion? Donating in honor of someone as a gift is a wonderful way to celebrate them while supporting our critical work.

Make a gift via our donation form above, and use the “Gift Options” to complete your gift in honor of a loved one.

Memorial Donations

Memorial donations are gifts to nonprofits in memory of someone who has passed away. Some families request a memorial donation in lieu of flowers or other tribute gifts.

Make a gift via our donation form above, and use the “Gift Options” to complete your memorial gift.

“I create artwork every day that celebrates places and homes that are special to families. I also know that not everyone has the privilege of a story that includes getting to stay in their home or neighborhood. I give monthly to Housing Families in order that a stable home can be a part of even more stories.” — Abigail McMurray

Our Generous Supporters

Thank you to our generous partners.